Calculate the expected payoff from receiving a noisy signal. This website provides a limited interface for this Python package. For more flexibility, use the package directly.


When we gain information about a decision-relevant quantity, that information may improve the decision we ultimately make. The value of the (expected) improvement in the decision is the value of information (VOI).

Sometimes, the information we gain tells us that one action is certain to be better than another (for example, knowing that tails came up in a coin toss implies we should bet on tails). But often the information is imperfect, and can only pull our decision in the direction of optimality, in expectation.

Such imperfect information can be modelled as observing a random variable (or signal) B that is informative about the true state of the world T but contains some noise. The expected value of information is the expected benefit from observing this random variable.

The realised value of information is:

VOI(T,B) = U(decision(B), T) - U(decision_0, T) 

where U is the payoff function, decision is the decision function when we have access to the signal, and decision_0 is the decision we make in the absence of the signal.

If a signal of B fails to change our decision, the value we realised is zero (regardless of T). This is intuitive.

When the signal does change our decision, the size of the benefit depends on the true state T, and on our decision function decision, which in turn depends on how the distribution of B is related to T.

For each T=t, the expected value of information is

VOI(t) = E_B[VOI(T,B) | T=t] = E_B[U(decision(B), T) - U(decision_0, T) | T=t]

where E_B indicates that we're taking expectations with respect to (i.e. over the distribution of) B.

We can then find the entirely unconditional expected VOI V by taking expectations of the above with respect to T:

V = E_T[ E_B[VOI(t,b) | T=t]] 

Of course we might also, by the law of iterated expectations, write V=E[VOI(t,b)], where the expectation sign without a subscript means the expectation is taken with respect to the joint distribution of T and B.

Model details

We make some simplifying assumptions:

  • We model the decision problem as a binary choice between:
    • the bar (d_1): an option with an expected payoff of bar about which we cannot gain additional information. Expressed mathematically, the inability to gain additional information means that U(d_1, T) is independent of T. So we can write E[U(d_1)]=bar. (It's irrelevant whether or not there is uncertainty over the payoff U(d_1), what matters here is that this uncertainty is independent of T so we cannot gain additional information).
    • the object of study (d_2): an uncertain option whose payoff is T, about which we can gain additional information.
  • The decision-maker is rational, i.e. upon receiving a signal of B=b they update their prior P(T) to P(T|B=b). They risk-neutrally maximise expected U, which means they choose the object of study if and only if E[T|B=b]>bar (or E[T]>bar in the absence of the signal).
  • The problem is one-dimensional, i.e. T and B follow one-dimensional distributions.
  • Currently, only one distribution family is supported for B: B has a normal distribution with unknown mean T and known standard deviation.
  • On this website, the prior over T must be normal, log-normal, or metalog. The underlying Python package supports any prior specified as a one-dimensional SciPy continuous distribution.

This tool uses a simulation to approximate the expectation mentioned in the previous section. Specifically, for each iteration i of the simulation:

  1. We draw a true value t_i from the decision-maker's prior P(T).
  2. We draw an estimate b_i from Normal(t_i,sd(B)).
  3. We can then calculate the decision that would be made with and without access to the signal:
    • With the signal. The decision-maker's subjective posterior expected value is E[T|b_i]. If E[T|b_i]>bar, the decision-maker chooses the object of study, otherwise they choose the bar.
    • Without the signal. If E[T]>bar, the decision-maker chooses the object of study, otherwise they choose the bar.
  4. We calculate the decision-maker's payoffs with and without access to the signal. If choosing the object of study, they get a payoff of T_i; the payoff for the bar is bar.

Drawing t_i corresponds to the outer expectation E_T[] discussed above, and drawing b_i (dependent on t_i) corresponds to the inner expectation E_B[].


Astute readers will have noticed another simplification. In calculating V, we take expectations over T according to the decision maker's prior P(T) (this is because T_is are drawn from P(T) in step 1). In a subjective bayesian sense, this means that we compute the expected VOI by the lights of the decision-maker; a frequentist interpretation might be that the decision situation is drawn from a larger reference class in which T follows P(T), and we are computing the average VOI in that class.

These concepts need not coincide in general. We could without difficulty model the decision-maker as acting according to P(T), but nonetheless compute the value of information by the lights of another actor who believes Q(T) (or the VOI in a reference class following Q(T)).

Analogously, V is calculated according to the same values as the decision-maker's values, i.e. it is modeled from a risk-neutral U-maximisation perspective, but this need not be so. (Technically this assumption is already present in the first section of this document).

Computational shortcut: skipping the decision-maker's Bayesian update

We make use of the following fact:

When the signal B is normally distributed, with mean T, then, for any prior distribution over T, E[T|B=b] is increasing in b.

This was shown by Andrews et al. 1972 (Lemma 1).

In these cases, instead of explicitly computing the posterior for every b-value, we 1. First run a numerical equation solver to find the threshold value b_* ("b-star"), such that E[T|B=b]>bar if and only if b>b_*. 2. Then, simply compare subsequent b-values to b_*.

This is hundreds of times faster than explicitly computing the posterior probability distribution P(T|B=b) for each iteartion.

The shortcut can be disabled by selecting explicit_bayes.

Cost-benefit analysis

The cost-benefit analysis assumes:

  • "Choosing" the bar or the object of study means spending one's capital implementing that option. The amount of capital may vary.
  • T and bar are expressed in terms of value realised per unit of capital. For example, "deaths averted per million dollars" or "new clients per dollar".
  • The decision-maker can choose to spend signal_cost to acquire the signal. All other capital is spent implementing the option with the highest expected value.

This model is well-suited when choosing between different options that can absorb flexible amounts of capital (e.g. venture capital, ad spend, or philanthropy). However, it should be easy to model the costs and benefits differently yourself, while still using the VOI simulation, which is more generally applicable.

Simulation parameters
Max iterations

Prior family

Normal prior expectation
Normal prior s.d.
Be careful, this is not the mu parameter. mu is the expected value of T's logarithm
Be careful, this is not the sigma parameter. sigma is the standard deviation of T's logarithm
For example, if the signal is a regression coefficient from a sample, this is the standard deviation of the estimator for that coefficient. This is often called the standard error of the coefficient.

Metalog constructor
Cost-benefit analysis (optional)

The parameters below have no effect on the numerical result, but help make the results easier to interpret without errors. T, sd_B, and bar must be expressed in value_units per money_units spent.

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This tool was developed by Tom Adamczewski under contract with Open Philanthropy. The source code for the value of information package is here.